The Director General Post Office - In continuation forwards the Return called for & provided in the above & # to furnish further reports from Allahabad & Cawnpore as ammuneration has to be conveyed by Bullock Train Courts the number of men sent has been reduced to 8 - Refers to a failure on the part of European contractors to deliver Carts & Waggons Mr. Allen has provided 12 Carriags daily from 1st to 24th & 14th from 23th &k 30 Noivember but failed on 2 occasions to supply the full number . In all the despatch during the month has been excluding fufallowers has been 5676 Has arranged for the despatch of men even in sundays with a view to relive Calcutta of the large number assumbel here annexes Extracts from C. O. Saunders note as to the return being a rough one .

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Identifier PR_000001985015
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 14 Dec., No. 89 - 90
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