Publication of Mr. C.A. Sherring's book entitled Western Tibet and the British Borderland: The Sacred Country of Hindus and Buddhists Political Department; Simla Foreign External-B 1906 1906 16-60 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137243 Public Records Digitized Document Report on the number and description of buildings erected in the Chumbi Valley since the British occupation R.E. Holland; Army Department; Sikkim Foreign External-B 1906 1906 61 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137244 Public Records Digitized Document Experiment employment of Ekkas in connection with the postal service between Phari and Gyantse Calcutta; Finance Department; L. Russell Foreign External-B 1906 1906 62-64 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137245 Public Records Digitized Document Permission accorded to the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf to keep the Copies of the memorandum regarding External affairs relating to Persian for the Months before asterning them on the Condition mentioned. Supply to His Majesty's Charges d' Affairs Tehran of a copy of the Complition months on the terms started Persian Gulf; Civil Account Code Foreign External-B 1906 1906 65/67 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137246 Public Records Digitized Document Increase to the permanent advance granted to the Vice-Consul at Ahwaz from Rs 1500/- to Rs 3, 000/- on certain stated condition Persian Gulf; Major P.Z. Cox; Finance Department Foreign External-B 1906 1906 68/69 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137247 Public Records Digitized Document Instructions issued to certain Political Officers regarding the submission in a complete form of applications for Customs facilities for persons proceeding from India to Persia Mr. Grant Duff; Simla Foreign External-B 1906 1906 70-74 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137248 Public Records Digitized Document Presentation by Salar Arfa, Bakhtyari Chief of a carpet to Capt. D.L.R. Lorimes, his majesty's vice consul for Arabistan J.B. Wood; Simla Foreign External-B 1906 1906 75 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137249 Public Records Digitized Document Orders issued to the Recruiting Staff officer for Punjab Muhmmadan to assist the Recruiting Agent of the D' Arcy Oil Syndicate in raising a corps of transport drivers for the Company Persian Gulf; Captain A.P.Trevor; Army Department Foreign External-B 1906 1906 76/77 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137250 Public Records Digitized Document Sanction accorded to the Expenditures of Rs. 250, proposed to be incurred during the current year in providing stable accommodation and store rooms for grain and bhoosa at the Ahwaz Vice-Consulate, and also to the expenditure of Rs. 125, incurred for the purpose out of the grant provided for repairs to the Vice-Consulate Persian Gulf; Finance Department; Major P.Z. Cox Foreign External-B 1906 1906 78/79 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137251 Public Records Digitized Document Permission granted to a Royal engineer officer to visit Chari in connection with his deputation to Sir Chumbi Valley for her purpose of estimating her cost of certain military works Sikkim; L. Russell; Foreign External-B 1906 1906 80/82 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137252 Public Records Digitized Document Permission granted to Capt. R. Stern, J.M.S. to return to Gyantse via Khamba Jong L. Russell; Darjeeling Foreign External-B 1906 1906 83/84 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137253 Public Records Digitized Document Tour of her Political Officer in Sikkim through Bhutan to Jha-lung in Tibet expenditure on account of certain photographic work to be adjusted on completion of tour Sikkim; Finance Department Foreign External-B 1906 1906 85/86 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137254 Public Records Digitized Document Grant of a personal allowance of Rs 15/- a month to Mr. W.H. Hodgco, Supot. of Her Sikkim Agency officer. Proposal to grant him a local allowance of Rs 100/- a month nagatird Kashmir; L. Russell; Finance Department Foreign External-B 1906 1906 87/90 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137255 Public Records Digitized Document Grant of an increase of Rs.20/- per mensem of the previous of Myingondine Minthami, grand-daughter of Her Late King Hindoon him of Burma Burma; Finance Department; R.W. Carlyle Foreign External-B 1906 1906 91/92 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137256 Public Records Digitized Document Sanction to certain expenditure incurred in excess of the period of the period of deputation in the case of the Superintendent and others serving on Mr. Sladen's Estabtt Finance Department; Bombay Foreign External-B 1906 1906 93/95 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137257 Public Records Digitized Document Grant of Furlough to the men belonging to the Aden Troop Army Department; W.Edgerley Foreign External-B 1906 1906 96-98 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137258 Public Records Digitized Document Administration Report of the Settlement of Aden for 1904/1905 Commerical Intelligence Department; J.J.Heaton Foreign External-B 1906 1906 99/100 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137259 Public Records Digitized Document Question of the Supply of a Billiard table for the Political Resident at Aden Baghdad; E. DeBrath Foreign External-B 1906 1906 101 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137260 Public Records Digitized Document Certificates signed by Major Genl. H.M. Mason, Colonel R.J. Seallon, Colonel C.T. Becker and Major Genl. E. DeBrath certifying that the respectively delivered over and received charge of Tuppers Indian Political Practice, and the addenda and corrigenda thereto G. Marshall; Simla; Political Department Foreign External-B 1906 1906 102/104 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137261 Public Records Digitized Document Permission granted to Harain Shemail and Salmon Sabi, and Nasim Mesha to make certain additions to their houses at Tawahi and the crater (Aden) respectively Bombay; Army Department; Sir Steyning W. Edgerley Foreign External-B 1906 1906 105/108 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137262 Public Records Digitized Document Report re:-(1) Depth on Shoal to the southward of Rennie Shoal in the approach to Bahrein; (2) Non-Existence f Shoal at a distance of 27/10 miles N.59 E. from the north-eastern extremity of Ras-al-Ajuza near Koweit; and (3) a Shoal in the approach to Bunder Abbas Persian Gulf; London Gazette Foreign External-B 1906 1906 109-112 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137263 Public Records Digitized Document Refusal to grant furlough to men of to squadron of 34th Poona Horse, held in readiness to proceed to Persia Sir L.Dane; Native Army Foreign External-B 1906 1906 113 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137264 Public Records Digitized Document Suggestion of H.B.M.'s Vice-Consul at Ahwaz to suspend the dispatch of the Foreign Department journal until his return from tour to Ahwaz Simla; Captain D.L.R. Lorunir Foreign External-B 1906 1906 114 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137265 Public Records Digitized Document National states of Mr. Seth Apear-Refusal of Amir Government to protect him from liabilities while considerate as Persian subject Tehran; Sir Edward Srey Bart Foreign External-B 1906 1906 115 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137266 Public Records Digitized Document Grant of compensation to the land owners within the area of the defensive perimeter of the camp at D'thala for loss of corps and rent of land Army Department; L. Russell Foreign External-B 1906 1906 116-119 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137267 Public Records Digitized Document Proposal to attache certain selected young Siamese gentlemen to our or more account officers in India, for the purpose of learning the work, sanctioned S.K. Chaudhuri; Nizam's College Foreign External-B 1906 1906 120/121 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137268 Public Records Digitized Document Incidence of the cost of the clothing and stores supplies to the Garkot survey party under Captain C.G. Rawling R.E. Holland; Military Department Foreign External-B 1906 1906 122-126 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137269 Public Records Digitized Document Appointment of a Hospital Assistant to the British Trade Agency at Gartok L.W. Dane; Punjab; Finance Department Foreign External-B 1906 1906 127-134 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137270 Public Records Digitized Document Statement of objections raised by the Comptroller India Treasuries on the accounts of the British Trade Agent at Gartok for the period 5th December 1905 to 31st March 1906. Accounts of the British Trade Agent at Gartok for the period 6th November to 31st May 1906, transferred to the Superintendent, Simla Hill States G.C. Ray; Calcutta Foreign External-B 1906 1906 125-128 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137271 Public Records Digitized Document Question of the extradition and surrender to the Turkish authorities of Shamsi Bey, Mudir of the Customs at Kataba, accused of embezzlement British Territory; British Authorities; Legislative Department Foreign External-B 1906 1906 129-130 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137272 Public Records Digitized Document Application by Muhammad Shamsuddin Shaiq for employment under the Foreign Department in Arabia, Persia Simla; R.E. Holland Foreign External-B 1906 1906 131-133 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137273 Public Records Digitized Document Refusal of sanction to the entertainment of an additional temporary Cavass for the Hodeidah Vice-Consulate for three months Simla; Indian Revenues Foreign External-B 1906 1906 134-135 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137274 Public Records Digitized Document Presentation to the Royal Geographical Society of sets of photographs of Tibet and Bhutan and to the India Office of a second set of the Tibet photographs R.E. Holland; Home Department Foreign External-B 1906 1906 136-141 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004137275 Public Records Digitized Document Increase in the Budget allotment of the Koweit Political Agency for Rent Rates and Taxes for 1907-1908

Keywords Persian Gulf
Finance Department
Ministry/ Department/ Residency Foreign
Branch External-B
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_000004137242
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. 142-144
Location Repository-3
Part No. NA
File Size 15.1 MB
Pages 28
Collection Digitized Public Records
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject NA
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Language English
Bundle Barcode NA
Location Code NA
File Barcode NA

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