From Secretary - Submits for the instructions of Government as a question effecting the body of Sepoy pardoned under the aunresty a Commissioner from the Commissioner of Patna suggesting with rebel to the inability of a large number of Sepoys residing within his Division to obtain employment whereby to earn an houest livelihoods # to disinatination a the part of Zemindars, Maha# & others a receive such new into their service, the issue by the Magistrates of a proclamative to the effect that Government his no objection to the Employment by private persons of all men who were formerly Sepoys & have been permitted to return to their homes & states that the Lieut. Governor if opinion that in time of such a Police Proclamation all officers in Behar take every suitable occasion to explain by work of month that such men are truly pardoared & that all people may # them as with any other men.

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Identifier PR_000001997482
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 12 Aug., No. 13 - 14
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File Size NA
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