Commissioner - In reply to letter of 4th December - Enclosers Indent for Rice Dholl Wheat etc. & Cloathing relative to Treasure required Loan at Ten Per Cent - No Bank Notes in eirculation The medicin in cirulation is a Paper Currency established by Government - regulation limiting the sum to be lent by the Bank - Debtors clled upon to reduce the amount of their Debts - Abolition of the Bank would sccasion a Lost to the compnay & therr fore submits that it be suffered to remain on a more himted scale Enclsoses Treasury accunts & return of Concits an encosers of the number of convicts descreable requests medical assistance Particulars relative to Mr. Bond & Mr. Lums dain civil Surgeons. with correct List of Pension Mr. Holloways Conduct explaind. With indent for Stores from England - States that his reprot at lorge & generally to every Subject referred to in the letter from the Court of Directors and in the Instructios from the Governor General, has been forwareded by the Aurrora & in

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Identifier PR_000001811417
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 16 Jul., No. 23
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