Request of Sadu Sweeper Windermere for the payment of Rs 1 for the purchase of broom and Busket Afganistan Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 288 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105591 Public Records Digitized Document Attack by raiders on the Toranwari Border Military Police Post North West Frontier Province; S.H. Butler Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 326/336 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105592 Public Records Digitized Document Seals of Rifles and machine gun, small arm service ammunition to be maintained at certain from his and other posts and defences Punjab; Army Regulations; W.P. Symons Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 337 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105593 Public Records Digitized Document Construction at Bandipur of two large sheds for the protection of hay and Fodder Stacked there annually for the use of the Government transport animals Army Department; L. Deas; Simla Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 338 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105594 Public Records Digitized Document Emergent indent for medicines for the Meshed Consulate General Hospital Major P.M. Sykes; Khorasan Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 339/40 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105595 Public Records Digitized Document Supply of certain Baluchistan Agency Administration reports to the Sandeman Library at Quetta Henry McMahon; Simla Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 341/43 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105596 Public Records Digitized Document Departure of Hospital Assistant Barkatullah for Kashgar on the 1st July 1908 W.B. Slaughter; Simla Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 344/344-A PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105597 Public Records Digitized Document Baluchistan Diaries for April, May and June 1908 Persia; Mr. S.H. Butler Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 345/67 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105598 Public Records Digitized Document Gilgit Diaries for April, May and June 1908 A.F. Bruce; Kashmir; Political Department Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 368/406 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105599 Public Records Digitized Document Approval of the action of the General officer Commanding the late Bazar Valley Field Force in having employed during the operations the full strength of the native ranks of the Khyber Rifles T.E. Scott; Army Department; Peshawar Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 407/408 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105600 Public Records Digitized Document Report about the desertion of certain sepoys of the Indian army and their arrival in Kabul Army Department; A.R. Jelf Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 409 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105601 Public Records Digitized Document Retention of the services of Daffadar Naoroz Khan, 22nd Cavalry, with the Khyber Rifles for and another year with effect from the 16th April 1908 North West Frontier Province; Native Army; Army Department Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 410/411 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105602 Public Records Digitized Document Sanction to the grant of deputation and travelling allowances under the Civil Service Regulations to Mr. J.L. Maffey, I.C.S. for the period during which he was employed on special duty as Assistant Political Officer, Mohmand Field Force North West Frontier Province; Finance Department Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 412/413 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105603 Public Records Digitized Document Revised list of establishment of the British Agency at Kabul as it stood on the 1st July 1908 Simla; A.R. Jelf Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 414/415 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105604 Public Records Digitized Document Statements of exports to Afghanistan via the Kyber Pass for His Majesty the Amir or for State purposes during the months of January to June 1908 Sir Horold Deans; Karachi; Imperial Civil Service Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 416/439 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105605 Public Records Digitized Document Distribution of the Civil and fighting Levies of the Gilgit Agency for the quarter ending on the 30th June 1908 Sir Francis Younghusband; Gulmarg Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 440 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105606 Public Records Digitized Document Powers of the Government of India to Sanction new expenditure in Persia without the previous consent of His Majesty's Government. Question of reporting expenditure in Persia sanctioned by the Government of India to His Majesty's Secretary of State for India Welby Commisiosion; Persia; India Treasuries Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 441 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105607 Public Records Digitized Document Ghagar Diaries for April, May and June 1908 North West Frontier Province; Major Sir Henry McMahon; Baluchistan Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 442/63 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105609 Public Records Digitized Document Dir Swat and Chitral diaries for April, May and June 1908 North West Frontier Province; Army Department; London Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 487/507 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105610 Public Records Digitized Document Kurram Diaries for April, May and June 1908 North-West Frontier Province; F.W. Johnston; Simla Foreign Frontier-B 1908 1908 508/520 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105634 Public Records Digitized Document Tour of the Hon'ble the Chief Commissioner, North-West Frontier Province in the Khagan valley and his subsequent visit to Simla. Proposal to erect a temporary telegraph line to Khagan negatived Lieutenant-Colonel Sir George; Telegraph Department Foreign Frontier-B 1909 1909 5-Jan PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105635 Public Records Digitized Document Statements of exports to Afghanistan via the Khyber Pass for His Majesty the Amir or for State purposes during the months of January to March 1909 Political Deprtment; F.S. Punnett; Mr. Latham and Company Foreign Frontier-B 1909 1909 22-Jun PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105636 Public Records Digitized Document Revised letter to Surveyor General regarding proof of sheet 83 B/9 part of boundary of Eastern Bengal and Assam. Revision of rules regarding boundary symbols on maps. Decision that the district bound any symbol shall be used to denote the boundary between the North West Frontier Province and Tribal area Colonel F.B. Longe; Revenue and Agricultural Department; Foreign Frontier-B 1909 1909 23/24 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105637 Public Records Digitized Document Enquiry by the British Agent at Kabul as to the nature of reply to be sent to Mr. J.W. Schofield of London in reply to his communication in the matter of his letter to H.M. the Amir requesting to be appointed His Majesty's Trade Agent in England for buying stores, guns, rifles and for the Afghan Govt J.B. Guthrie; Peshawar Foreign Frontier-B 1909 1909 25/26 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105638 Public Records Digitized Document Countersignature and return to the Executive Engineer, Simla Provincial Division, of the estimate amounting to Rs 297/- for replacing certain worn out dirries and matting at Windermere, the Simla residence of the Amir's Envoy with the Govt. of India Public Works Department Foreign Frontier-B 1909 1909 27/28 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105639 Public Records Digitized Document Sanction to Messrs Treacher and Coy supplying two additional sample rifles to H.M. the Amir in excess of the number for which permission had already been granted Army Department; Kabul Foreign Frontier-B 1909 1909 29/32 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105640 Public Records Digitized Document Payment of bill on account of excess water used at Windermire during the month of April 1909 Simla Municipality; Toshakhana Foreign Frontier-B 1909 1909 33 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105641 Public Records Digitized Document Grant of an increase of pay to Ganga Parsad, one of the two peons employed with the Amir's Envoy with the Govt. of India Finance Department; Darbar Funds; Calcutta Foreign Frontier-B 1909 1909 34/35 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105642 Public Records Digitized Document Steps taken by H.M's Ambassador at St Petersburg to obtain from the Russian Government the release of certain British Indian subjects arrested by the local authorities at Tashkent Sir E. Grey; Russian; British India Foreign Frontier-B 1909 1909 36/37 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105643 Public Records Digitized Document Possibilities of British trade in perfumes and perfumed articles of all kinds in Afghanistan London; E.H.S. Clarke Foreign Frontier-B 1909 1909 38/40 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105644 Public Records Digitized Document Transfer to the Home Department the Rules of Business of a petition from Mussammat Mughla praying for the liberation of her husband, Saadulla sentenced to 4 years rigorous imprisonment on a conviction of sodomy Frontier Crimes Regulations; Home Department Foreign Frontier-B 1909 1909 41 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105645 Public Records Digitized Document Import of arms and ammunition for the Afghan Government P.S. Punnett; Calcutta Foreign Frontier-B 1909 1909 42/46 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105646 Public Records Digitized Document Bombay Govt. despatch to Secy of State regarding the claims of Hasamal Walad Giymal and Namumal Walad Jhamandas to the property of the deceased Tulsidas Walad Giyamal who is reported to have died in Kanchi in Russian territory on the 15th April 1908 J.H. DuBoulay; Bombay Foreign Frontier-B 1909 1909 47 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105647 Public Records Digitized Document Instructions issued to the Director-General of Telegraphs in regard to the prompt transmission, on the frontier, of telegrams relating to raids, etc Peshawar Infantry Brigade; North-West Frontier; W. Malleson Foreign Frontier-B 1909 1909 48/52 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105648 Public Records Digitized Document Report on the strength of Russian Troops on the Pamirs and of Afghan Troops on the Russian Pamir border for the quarter ending 31st March 1909 J.B. Wood; Srinagar Foreign Frontier-B 1909 1909 53 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105649 Public Records Digitized Document Supply to the Surveyor General of India of extracts and map relating to part of Northern section of the Burma-China boundary as delimitated in 1898-1899 F.B. Longe; Mandalay Division Foreign Frontier-B 1909 1909 54/55 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004105650 Public Records Digitized Document Supply of garden implements to the gardener at Windermere'' the SImla residence of the Amir's Envoy with the Government of India and payment of Rs. 1/- to the sweeper at that place for the purchase of broom and basket

Keywords Windermere
Ministry/ Department/ Residency Foreign
Branch Frontier-B
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_000004105589
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. 56
Location Repository-3
Part No. NA
File Size 10.0 MB
Pages 7
Collection Digitized Public Records
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject NA
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Language English
Bundle Barcode NA
Location Code NA
File Barcode NA

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