To Chief Secretary - Acknowledge foregoing and with reference to the requests a recommendation of the orders of august 1854 or at that their application to Military Officers holding civil employment may be with drawn. States that orders havIIng been based upon instructions recor from the Honble Court cannot be departed from adds that if much practical inconvenionce should hereafter arise in respect of the amount of remuneration tobe pacd for Medical attendance it may become necessary to introduce some authoritative practice in this respect but before this measure is resorted to the Government should adopt all the usual means of protecting an class of Public Servants from the extortion of Indivedual belonging to another Class. In the case of assistant Surgeon Jackson the G. G. in C. thinks that a severe causure of the attempt on his part to obtain an Extravagant rate of remuneration from Captain Dobbie will prevent the repetition of the attempt in future.

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