To Secretary Bombay - With reference to the foregoing directs the - discontinuance of the peactice on the past of the Trustees of the Elphinstone College of forwarding any portion of the surplus income arising from the Government Grant and requests that so much of it may be drawn as is required to most the authorized annual expenditure of the Instant. Desires that the sum of Rs. 44.810 which has thus accumulated during the last two year may be referred and carried to the credit of Government and observes that if this referred of Capital is formed to under the income of the Inst. insufficient for its neceful expenses the Sup. Government will be ready to entertain an application for further aid on its being shown that no past of the contribution already authorized remains unexpended adds that application of tis noture should be accompanied with a Statement in the prescribed form.

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Identifier PR_000001986876
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 12 Sep., No. 61
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