Brigader General Lawrence - Officiating agent to Governor General Rajpootana adverting to Mr. Secretary there hills Letter dated 29th # desires the death of Col. Dixon he has carried on the # duties in addition to his own but as he will shortly proceed in his arrival # or Rajpootana it will be necessary to have an officer to take charge of the agmere & MainvsarraDistricts Recommends that another Regiment of mairs be raised & Lieut. Carvell who rendered good service in savy the agmere arsenal from the Mutinous troops be appointed to it - Encloses station of Col. Dixons pay as Commissioner & Commander of the Maenvarra Battalion which in aggregate ammounts to Rs. 37.4 states that Captain Lloyd has been directed to join at ajniere so soon as be can be relieved from his duties at Neenurch & as Captain Mxon has been temporarily oppointed political agent at Bhartpore as shown int he amxexed documents I have evarned Captain Dinnys late Commandant Kotah Contingent evell adopted for the appoint

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Identifier PR_000001984712
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 4 Dec., No. 82 - 83
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File Size NA
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