Read a Despatch from the Honble Courts of Despatch No. 80 of 1857 dated 3rd Une intimating with refer to the leave of absence granted to Lieut. Col Drummand who was desirsus of proceeding to England to lay before the Court the result of recent investigations into the Iron Deposits of Kumaon that Lieut. Col. Drummonds requests for sucessive extensions of leave have been granted to him amounting in all to seven months & that he is to leave England for return to Duty by the # of the 20th June with refe to the Preculiar circumstances under which Lieut. Col Dummond went to England the Court have considered his ease to he one calling for special Consideration & have according by granted him on allowance of 500 Rs P. M for the period of 12 months the amount of allowance for six months has ben paid to Lieut. Col Drummond the remaining 3000 Rs. must be paid to him on his arrival at Calcutta for any period at Calcutta for any period of absence exceeding the 12 months be is to receive the ordinar

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