From Reports that Major T. Mobsworth who under the Honble Courts orders was employed int he preparation of a revised edition of his marathi & English Dictinary has lately completed the wish of which 2000 copies have been permited for distribution to Government Departments & for sale to the public sends are copy of the work & requests to know if any more copies are required by this Government M## salary Rs. ## ####annexes a # of the expense attending the # & printing of the 2nd Edition only to the 65,000 at the same time recommends sanction to the preparation of a # edition of Major Candy1 English # # to wher there has been a # & an # English # Solicits anction to the employment of Major Candy the compder of the first edition to the work Major Condy to receive the same allowances no those # by Major Mobsworth or if required to under take the preparation of the Dictionaries address to his duties as Mirrahi Trauslater he should receive Rs. 600 P.M. with an additional Pandit at Rs. 35 P. M

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Identifier PR_000001983475
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 4 Dec., No. 95
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