G. Compbell Esquire Magistrate & Col. of AllyGhur on special duty at the Presidency - With reference to his appantant by the government of the North West Provinces as per Enclosed Doctor reports the in auner in which be has been since acting & solicits instructions from government as to the couse he should follow having been told by His # that some wark would be given him conected with that on which he hudheen employed os as to enable him the cintinue to draw the pay of his substantive appointment while on special duty Has made a good many notes & callected Materials & opinions towards the scheme of # but both a great portion of his time has been accupied with the Military force & travelling & unable to abtain an general directions as to the nature & plan of the structun which her`s to build.

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Identifier PR_000001981809
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 18 Dec., No. 92 - 83
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