The Officiating Secretary - Submits with remarking the question of the arrangements to be made for the charge of the Manwarra Battalion consequence on the death of Lieut. Col. Dixon who had been anxions that the Civil charge & the command of the Marivarra Battulan should remain united in one officer in which opinion the Lieut. Governor & Bregider General Laurena do not concur - Felhit difficult to name an officer even for the separate Civil Charge al though captain B. P. Loyd of the 11th N. I. would be well filled for last his health will cunpel him to go to england shortly # a consoldited salary of Rs. 1,400 a month six table for the office of Civil Superintendent of ajniere & advises that the agent to the Governor General Rajpootana superise the administration of ajniere as Commander under the Lieut. Governor Just as he controls the management Jamader much for John Luivrence Health canpel him to leave asmere Captain Lloyd will be send for the assume temporary charge Brigade for Lawr

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Identifier PR_000001983880
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 4 Dec., No. 79
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