From - Forwards a Despatch from the Government North West Provinces submitting for the favorable consideration & orders of Government a proposal of the Inspector General of Prison North West Provinces for raising the pay of Native Docator Neibbre Bux of the Cownpore Jail from Rs. 15 to Rs. 25 per month & informs that a 3rd Class Native Doctor is not entitled to increase of pay until be shall have served 14 years & their the increase is only 5 Rs. except where they are appointed to charge of Despenseries when they receive an adan to their ordinary pay of Rs. 10 per mensem as deputation allowance but as Neibber Bux established a claim by his loyal conduct & as Rs. 25 per month has already been passed to him he may be allowed to receive that amount during his incumbency at Cownpore.

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Identifier PR_000002007768
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 4 Nov., No. 30 - 32
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