Request made by the Resident in Waziristan for the supply to him of a copy of Map no 28. S.W. showing limits of the Protected Area round Jandola Post Dera Ismail Khan; R.R Glancy; Botogali Mella Foreign and Political Frontier 1926 1926 197-F PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign and Political Repository-3 National Archives of India English, Urdu PR_000004150124 Public Records Digitized Document Proposed grant of compassionate allowance to Ghulam Sarwar and Ghulam Nabi, sons of the late Khan Bahadur Muhammad Aslam Khan. British Newswriter at Herat Finance Department; Colonel L. Haworth Foreign and Political Frontier 1926 1926 198-F PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign and Political Repository-3 National Archives of India English, Urdu PR_000004150125 Public Records Digitized Document Military training of Afghans at Sandhurst F.H. Humphrys; Army Department Foreign and Political Frontier 1926 1926 199-F PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign and Political Repository-3 National Archives of India English, Urdu PR_000004150126 Public Records Digitized Document Transfer of control of communications on the North West Frontier from the Army to the Post and Telegraph Department F.A. Hoymann; Army Department; Chitral Foreign and Political Frontier 1926 1926 200-F PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign and Political Repository-3 National Archives of India English, Urdu PR_000004150127 Public Records Digitized Document Opening of a shop in Chitral for the manufacture or repair of rifles. Issue of licenses to Mistri Muhammad Din for transporting certain machinery from the Kohat Pass to Chitral Peshawar; Col. W.J. Keen Foreign and Political Frontier 1926 1926 201-F PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign and Political Repository-3 National Archives of India English, Urdu PR_000004150128 Public Records Digitized Document Revised rates for the educational allowances of the sons of Afghan refugees. Decision that so long as the allowances do not exceed the prescribed scale a reference to the Finance Department in each case is not necessary Finance Department; Baluchistan Foreign and Political Frontier 1926 1926 202-F PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign and Political Repository-3 National Archives of India English, Urdu PR_000004150130 Public Records Digitized Document Water supply to the detachment of the Tochi Scouts at Razmak North-West Frontier Province Foreign and Political Frontier 1926 1926 204-F PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign and Political Repository-3 National Archives of India English, Urdu PR_000004150131 Public Records Digitized Document Appointment of a Joint Commission for the settlement of outstanding disputes between the Jajis and Turis E.B. Howell; Kabul Foreign and Political Frontier 1926 1926 206-F PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign and Political Repository-3 National Archives of India English, Urdu PR_000004150389 Public Records Digitized Document Return to military duty of Lieut C.S. Williams employed on settlement work in Kashmir. Question of the appt. of his successor Lt. Col. D.W.K. Barr; Calcutta; Military Department Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 18/28 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150390 Public Records Digitized Document Grant of a license to Malang Khan, Calcutta, to purchase certain revolvers and cartridges for the British Agent at Kabul Indian Arms Act; W.J. Cunnigham Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 29/34 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English, Urdu PR_000004150391 Public Records Digitized Document Supply of mathematical instruments to Lieut. the Hon'ble H.D. Napier, on special duty with Major C.E. Yate C.S.I., C.M.G E.R. Thomson; Baluchistan; Servey of India Department Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 35/39 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150392 Public Records Digitized Document Petitions from General Taj Muhd Khan praying for an allowance or some employment C.L. Tupper; Lahore Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 40/44 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English, Urdu PR_000004150393 Public Records Digitized Document Proclamation issued by the Amir regarding a dream dreamt by His Highness Afghanistan; W.J. Cuningham Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 45/47 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English, Urdu PR_000004150394 Public Records Digitized Document Present from the Amir's Agent, to the Native attache Foreign office on the occasion of the Id-ul-fitr H.Daly; Simla Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 48 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150395 Public Records Digitized Document Payment to the Amir's Agent with the Govt. of India of a sum of Rs 260, as a set off against the municipal taxes to be paid by H.H's agent at Bombay during the year 1893/94 Bombay; N.G. Sarkar Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 49 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150396 Public Records Digitized Document Receipt from Intelligence Branch of copies of a publication entitled Goods Traffic on the Trans-Caspian Railway Supply of copies of the Same to Agent to the Govt. Genl. in Baluchistan and Khorassan and Finance Dept Persian Gulf; H. Daly; Department of Finance Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 50/55 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150397 Public Records Digitized Document Permission granted to Surgeon Major G.M. Giles, to publish his scientific reports of the Chitral Kafirstan Mission of 1885/86 Military Department; Major G.M. Giles; Persian Gulf Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 56 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150398 Public Records Digitized Document Decision that Hennessy's map of the upper Oxus Valley should still be considered confidential Military Department; Calcutta; C.F. Minchin Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 57/59 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150399 Public Records Digitized Document Grant of outfit allowance of Rs. 1000 to Major C.E. Yate C.S.I., C.M.G., on his deputation to the Afghan Frontier and his appt. to officiate as Govt. Genl's Agent in Khorassan Capt. A.L. Duke; Afghan Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 60 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150400 Public Records Digitized Document Grant of life pension of Rs. 15 a month to Jemadar of boatmen Malik Rosi and a Khillat of Rs. 100 to Amir Ali, Jemadar of boatmen Attack, in recognition of their Services, in connection with the late Black Mountain Expedition Military Department; Punjab; M.J. King-Harman Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 61/65 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150401 Public Records Digitized Document Adjustment of the pay and co. of the R.E. and Agency Escort officers at Gilgit Kashmir; H. Daly Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 66/68 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150402 Public Records Digitized Document Proposed visit of Mr. Church to Chinese Turkestan in company with Mr. E.H. Phelps Kashmir; Lt. Col. D.W.K. Barr Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 69/71 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150403 Public Records Digitized Document Enlistment of Jafir Ali Khan (of the late Kabul Agency Establishment) in the 10th Bengal Lancers Military Department; Fort William Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 72 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150404 Public Records Digitized Document Grant of nations to followers of cavalry escorts accompanying political officers beyond the frontier Military Department; Fort William; J.C. Smyth Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 73/74 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150405 Public Records Digitized Document Purchase of certain arms and ammunition by the Amir's Agent with the Govt. of India for the personal use Calcutta; Indian Tariff Act; W.J. Cuningham Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 75/79 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150406 Public Records Digitized Document Particulars regarding Mr. Robert Michell, Russian Interpreter an applicant for employment, in the event of a delimitation commission being rent to the Pamirs Col. J.C. Ardagh; London Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 80/85 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150407 Public Records Digitized Document Connected list of Districts and former in Afghanistan and of their Government and co. forwarded by the A.G.G. in Khorassam Military Department; Simla; E.C.Ringler Thomson Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 86/87 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150408 Public Records Digitized Document Details connected with the proposed mission to Jellallabad Finance Department; R.H. Blaker; Punjab Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 88/91 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150409 Public Records Digitized Document Diary of Political Intelligence of the Bannu District for the week sending 25th March 1893 Lahore; C.L. Tupper Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 92/94 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150410 Public Records Digitized Document Attempts by a Zhob murderer named Anwar to shoot Lieut Farquharson employed on survey work in the Chucharkhel Pass Military Department; Baluchistan Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 95/100 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150411 Public Records Digitized Document Accounts of Mr. G. Macartney, Kashgar, for the months of September, October, November and December 1892 and January 1893 Punjan; Lt. Colonel D.W.K. Barr Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 101/107 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150412 Public Records Digitized Document Permission granted to Sardar Khan Muhd Khan, son of the late Sardar Wali Muhd Khan to reside in Kashmir for five months Punjab; Sardar Wali Muhd Khan Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 108/111 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150413 Public Records Digitized Document Enquiry from H.M's Secy of State for India whether certain tents can be spared from the Meshed Agency for the British consul at Resht London; S.C.R. Thomson Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 112/117 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150414 Public Records Digitized Document Kabul Agency Dispensary Returns for the months of January, February and March and information regarding rain and snow fall at Kabul Revenue and Agricultural Department; H. Daly Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 118/125 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150415 Public Records Digitized Document Diaries of the Pol Agent with Sardar Muhd. Ayub Khan for the fortnights ending on the 20th April and 4th May 1893 Rawal Pindi; Major R.H. Jenmings Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 126/31 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150416 Public Records Digitized Document Relief of his garrisons at Jandola and Kanjuri Kach Military Department; Simla; W.B.Wilson Major Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 132/38 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150417 Public Records Digitized Document Permission granted to Capt F. Duncan of the Gilgit Agency Staff, on duty with the Kashmir Imperial Service troops, to all end the Garrison course at Dalhousie Commencing on the 27th May 1893 Military Department; Simla; H. Daly Foreign Frontier-B 1893 1893 139/141 PDF Digitized Public Records; Foreign Repository-3 National Archives of India English PR_000004150418 Public Records Digitized Document Receipt from survey Deptt of 3 copies of the Map of Baluchistan scale 1= 16 miles

Keywords Simla
W.J. Cunningham
Ministry/ Department/ Residency Foreign
Branch Frontier-B
From Year / Date
To Year / Date
Source Organization NA
Identifier PR_000004150123
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. 142
Location Repository-3
Part No. NA
File Size 33.8 MB
Pages 12
Collection Digitized Public Records
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject NA
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Language English
Bundle Barcode NA
Location Code NA
File Barcode NA

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