From Superintendent Geological Survey India - Submits for favorable consideration Mr. H. B. Medlicotts claims under circumstances states for his examination of Bundelcund the field work of which employed him for 5 month, & 20 days - The he may be allowed a deputation allowance of Rs. 400 per such time as he may beable to devote to field work without interruption to his professional duties at Roorkee such field work being undertaken as directed by the late Court of Director after consultation with the Superintendent of Survey - that for his work on Bundlekund he may allowed such sum ( Rs. 1431.10.8) as together with the Travelling allowance he has already received may make up Rs. 400 per month for the time so occupied. States that latterly he has been engaged in the examination of the Sub Himalaya Rocks between Roorkee & Smila & that for that he is entitled to Rs. 730 a additiona to Travelling allowance received making in all Rs. 2161.10.8.

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