Read a Despatch No 60 of 1858, dated the 5th May from the Honble the Court of Director replying to parts of certain letter from the Foreign Department respecting the palace and Fortification of Delhi. The Honble Court concur in opinion with Sir irhu Lawrence, taht all the political objects to be gained by the destrucion of the palaee,would be equally seaured by its accupction as a British fortifed post, and that the exterion Fortifiactions of the City should be retained at allwents, to the extent of a wall around it 10 or 12 feat high, which would be may useful for police perposes The Court Consider it probable that the Commander in Chief will advise the retention of the palace as a British garrison. In the event of the total destruater of the Fortifications being deternimed upon,the Court desire that reference be made to them before giving affect to the decision , unless in consequnce of some profring emergencyHis Exvellency the Commander in Chief. Should recommend that if be dated

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