Extract from the minutes of the Select Committee at Fort St. George, dated the 27th September, 1782, accepting the resignation of Sir Hector Munro, Commander-in-Chief at Fort St. George, and appointing Major-General Stuart in his place. Minute of Major-General Stuart, in the form of a journal, claiming a seat and voice in the Select Committee and in all councils without any particular restriction, and requesting that his case may be referred to the Supreme Council for an opinion. Copy of a letter from Mr. J. Hudleston, Secretary at Fort St. George, to Major-General Stuart, requesting his attendance at a Committee to be held on military affiairs Resolution of the President and Council of Fort St. George, complying with Major-General Stuart's request Extract from a General Letter, dated the 23rd December, 1778, from the Court of Directors, stating that Major-General Stuart should get no allowances during the period of his suspension, and desiring that this order should apply in the cases of all suspended officers Extract from a General Letter, dated the 14th April, 1779, from the Court of Directors, expressing a desire that Major-General Stuart should remain second in command at Fort St. George during the continuance of General Munro and that he should be appointed to the chief command in the case of a vacancy occurring after his acquittal from the court-martial trial. Extract from a General Letter, dated the 11th January, 1781, from the Court of Directors, regarding the amount of salary and allowances to be paid to the members of the Council of Fort St. George. Extract from a General Letter, dated the 2nd February, 1781, from the Court of Directors, directing that the commision of Brigadier- General may be granted to the officer next in rank to General Munro in case of his death or departure from Fort St. George, and that he shall have a seat and voice in the Council and Select Committe of the place under certain restrictions. Extract from a General Letter, dated the 7th February, 1781, from the Court of Directors, directing that Col. Brathwaite may be appointed to the chief command in case of the death or departure from Fort St. George of Col.Mathew Horne Extract from a General Letter, dated the 11th January, 1781, from the Court of Directors to the President and Council of Fort St. George, regarding the constitution of the Government of Fort St. George.

Keywords India
Matthew Horne
Ministry/ Department/ Residency Home Public
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Source Organization NA
Identifier NAIDLF00114499
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. Consultation 13th January 1783 Nos 3
Location R1
Part No. NA
File Size 18.4 MB
Pages 10
Call Number NA
Publisher NA
Subject NA
Creator NA
Accession Number NA
Series NA
Year of Publication NA
Language English
Bundle Barcode NAIDLB00009171
Location Code NA
File Barcode NAIDLF00114499
QC Certificate No. QC_20240425DL
Bundle No. 156

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