To Officiating Solicitor to Government - States that in a Despatch recently received from the Right Honble the Secretary of state, the following passage occures with reference to the opinion given by the Advocate General as to the now liabilty of the Peninsular & Oriental Company, on account of the loss of the Government Treasure Shipped on the Ava. In Mr. Ritchies opinion of the etc. With reference to these observations forwards the Bill of lading which was given to the Sub Treasurer on Account of the P & O Company and requests he will ascertain whetherit is the form of bill in general use by the Company and whether Bills of Lading in any other form was granted to any parties who shipped goods by the Ava on the occasion on which that Vessel was lost- Requests also that he will furnish any information that he may be able to obtain in regard to the alleged recovery of damages from the P & O Company by private individuals on account of goods last in the Ava.

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Identifier PR_000001997686
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 1 Jul., No. 36
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