Read Marine Despatch No. 36 of 1859, dated the 14th April, from the Right Honble the Secretary of State for India, replying to letters No. 23,24 & 37 dated respectively the 12 June, 30 August and 6th September, 1858, relative to the recovery of the Treasure from the Ureek of the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Companys Steamer Ava. Intimates that it has been decided to grant to Captain Watson & the crew of Her Majestys Ship Chesapeake a Solvage of 10 percent upon the amount of the Government Treasure recovered through their exections from the ureek of the Ava. In order to fix the sum on which the solvage is to be paid, requests to be furnished, as expeditionsly as possible with precise information of the amount ot Treasure actually saned by the officers & crew of the Chesapeake and also with a report of the results, it any of the measures which have been adopted for the recovery of the remaining portion of the Treasure. Previous the opinion of the Advocate General on the Subjec

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