From - With reference to Extract dated 22nd Ultimo forwards copy of a Commissioner from the Sub Treasurer, Fort William - Enclosing correspondence shewing that the Bills of Landing received on the Shipment of the 25 Lacs Treasure per Steamer Asa were in the usual form, that no special condition were attached to them, nor were any asked for different from those entered into by the P & C Company with private shippers & stating that a different from exists at Bombay which permits Vessels of the # calling at Part or Parts in the Island of Ceylon Parts could not be considered a deviation or infringement of the engagement entered into with shippers adding that certain amount was made good by the coy on account of goods shipped thro the parcel department of which documents totally different from a Bill of Lading an granted - The Bill of Lading for the Treasure Shipped on the Ava from one of the Enclosures.

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Identifier PR_000001998750
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 29 Jul., No. 18 - 19
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