From Accountant General Government of India - With reference to the Shipt of certain goods on board the Royal Stuart Captain Carnwell, under 3 theders to have been paid in India the rest being payable in England but as the Agents Messers John Barradaile & Company has sent home the certified Bill of lading without previously demanding the freight due them, the Indian portion amounting to Rs. 2121.7.4 was not paid here, but which has been ordered to be adjusted, on their application for the same, on a guarantee covering the possible contingency of its being discharged in England, requests therefore that it be asertained from the Home Authority if the Indian part of the freight has been paid in England, as in that case the amount should be recovered from the Agents here Rs. 1.9.3. noted in his certificate on the Bill of lading on account of a short delivery should be recovered from the freight payable to the owners in England.

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Identifier PR_000002007749
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 22 Jul., No. 2
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