To Secretary Bengal Does not object to the proposed scheme generally and accordingly authorizes its adoption but observe it should be introduced gradually commersing with Behar. Does not object to the Employment of Pundit Ishar Chunder Surma on occasionally in specting the # Schools in Bengal it his aoocating as # of the Sanscrit College will not be determentally affected but the terms of the Courts Despatch will not allow of his being made a Superintendant of Vernacular Eduction Request attention to the Establishment of # Schools for training # Teachers. The instruction # in letter dated 26th January relative to grants in and are as applicable to Vernacular as to other Schools. The fianacial detail of the plan which may be determined upon will have to be submitted for sanction.

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Identifier PR_000001992098
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 13 Feb., No. 109
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File Size NA
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Accession Number NA
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Year of Publication NA
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