To Secretary Chief Commander Punjaub - Forwards for information & guidance 20 copies of Courts Despatch No. 49 dated 19th July last & also copy of a letter addressed to the Government of North West Provinces which is generally applicable to Punajub. Calls for a report of the arrangements which may be proposed for carrying out the Courts views in respect to organization of the Department of Eduction & to grants in and to private Schools & also as to the salary which would be proposed to attach to District Office & member of Inspectors that will be required at the outset , The proposals made in his predeccssion letter of 1st May last relative to extension of Vernacular Education are approved & desires that steps be taken to introduce throught out the Punjaub the same system that has succeeded so well in the North West Provinces calls attention to the subject of establishing a college at labour similar to those at Agra & Delhi & is favorable to the Establishment of Statim or # Schools.

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