To Secretaries Madras & Bombay - With reference to Court Despatch to those Governments dated 30th August No. 44 & 39 respectively forwards for information & so far as applicable for the guidance of those Governments copies of the letters addressed to Bengal & Lectures on the subject of Eduction & also of the foregoing instructions to the Committee appointed to prepare a scheme for the Establishment of the Universities in the Towns of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay further Requests to be favored with a list of the persons who should from the Senate of the future University & with the views & opinions of those Governments in regard to the measures to be adopted for carrying out the Honble Companys Plan of an University in Madras & Bombay respectively acknowledges with remarks to the from Madras date 9th Novermber last proposing an Establishment unduly extensive and unnecessarily large for the object in view. The information regarding the Madras # letter date 4th December last has been sough

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