Chief Secretary - In reply to letter of the 29th Ultimo and with reference to the enquiry contained therein regarding the suspension of the Dt. act to prevent abuse of authority committed by Public Servants either in the Revenue or Ploice Department forwards for information copy of a communicaton from the advocate General at Madras containing his can views and those of the Government Pleader as to the diffeculties which would attend any revision of the law for preventing abuse of authority under existing circumstance and states that Government were induced so far to concur with the advocate General on to think that it would not be expedient to proceed with the preparation of the Draft act until they had before them the revicion of the Madras Revenue code which was in couse of preparation and has since been submitted and is now under consideration they will not however be in a position to dispose of the question until they are apprized of the sentiments of this Government upon the refo

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