To Secretary- In reply to letter dated 10th August last informs that the Lieut Governer Minute relative tothe appointment of Mr. Reily to officiate as Judge of Dinagepore will be transmitted to the Honble Court to whom the previous proceedings of the Government on the subject have been reported . Declines to submit to the Legislative Council a proposal to repeal the the statute of 1793 , the question being one which can fully be disposed of only by the Honbel Court . As regards the suggestion in the 4th para of the Minute observes that although the Governer in Council is always desirous to slow all consideration due to the office of the Lieut Governer he must nevertheless reserve to himself the eight of determining when it is necessary or experient that he should call for explanation on any subject that way come before him- Intimates that his letter dated 24th August last enclosing a Minute by the Lieut Governer on the case arrising out of the proposed appointment of Mr. Pagron will

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