To Secretary - Forwards Copiesof two Despatchesfrom the Honble Court Public No1of 1856 dated 9th January and Judicial No33of 8568 dated 6th july respecting the appontment of Mr. Risley principal Sudder Ameer at Dinagepore to officiate as Civil and sesseons judge pf tjat destrcet and she proposed appointment of Mr. Pagson an Uncovd, Deput Callecter to be a suprintendence of survey With regard to Para 11-18 of Honble Court despatch No 33 of 1856 Judicial will consider favorably any suggestions of the Lieut, Governer for the further Employment of uncovd, Agency where such employment is not at variance withthe Statute 33 Gev, III Cop, 52 Sec, IVII.

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Identifier PR_000002003263
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 19 Mar., No. 112
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