To Secretary - With reference to the opinion expressed in the Lieut Governer Minute of 29th August last which formed one of the enclosures of the special narratives to Court forwarded with letter of the 6th September last, requires whether in his enjoining caution in the furhte r prosecution of places of improvement of our subjects so as not to urge social refomrs more rapidly than is consistent with sound judgement and policy or to advance too much ahead of the understanding and prejudice of the people . His Honer had any particular measures in view and what were they - also desires to be informed whether in the Lieut Governers opinion the disaffected feeling in Behar should induce the Government to adopt at a present any practical course inthe matter of grants in aid of educaction in that province different from that gnenerally adopted inthe Lower Provinces of Bengal.

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Identifier PR_000001986777
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