Read a Despatch from the Honble Courts of Despatch No. 66 of 1857 dated 6th May forwarding copy of two letters from Mr. W. Grant who had been sent to England by the Government of Bengal as a hinatie on the ship `Ivanhoe` Remarking on the delay in transmission to the court of the papers relating to Mr. Grants case & desiring to the furnished with a full report of all the circumstances commeeted with the casr inchiding the measures taken by the Magistrate of Bhaugulpore of Mr. Grants apprehension & transmission to the Lunatie assghum & the treastment which he received while at the Institution the court add that the do not must restand the grands on which a person whose wife was in india & who also had other relations relatins those in a position to Maintion him was sent to Engalnd at the Public expence he having no relatives there into where charge he could be consigned.

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