From Superintendent Geological Survey - With reference to letter dated 5th Instant as opposed to the removal from the Department of Mr. Blanford, now in charge of a party of the Geological Survey in Madras for the purpose of being appointed as Geologist & Agricultural Chemist to the General Survey & Assessment of the Madras Presidency, but recommends Mr. Evans, Now Acting Surator of the General Museum here & trained in the laboratories of chemists at home who were specially devoted to such agricultureal analysis as per certificates annexed, for the appointment communciates general remarks in regard to the proposed surveys & adds that Mr. Evans is not capable of giving an opinion of the Geogolical relations of the soils he may examine - It not appearing from the correspondence sent what the exact duties of the gentlemen to be approved would be suggests that the same be defined clearly before the final appointment is made & hopes that a liberal salary will be a

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Identifier PR_000002007256
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 6 May., No. 25 - 26
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File Size NA
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