From Board - Concur with the Medical Board in the expediency of a probationary Quarantine at the New Anchorage but as nothing can at persent be done in respect to changing the Station. Suggest that at the close of the Monsoon a Committee be appointed to proceed down the River to Examine & Report for the final orders of Government in the mean time that an outer probationary Quarantine be established at the New Anchorage with an Establishment amounting to Rs. 1282 - Propose sending the Flora from Diamond Harbour to the New Anchorage for the Guard Vessel, replacing her with the Torch and should a Vessel arrive with the Plague on Board the Investigator might be got ready with a Medical detail in 36 hours - 4 Row Boats may also be fitted out making in all 9 at the two Stations. Submit Report of the Committee which lately proceeded to inspect Diamond Harbour and request sanction to certain exspenses incurred amounting to Rs. 220.9.7 in excess of those allowed 10th April last.

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Identifier PR_000001700836
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O.C., 28 Aug., No. 20.
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