Keywords | Compensation, Crater, Chief, Commissioner, India, Jewish, Police, Government, Section, State |
Ministry/ Department/ Residency | Foreign and Political |
Branch | Mid Asia Near-East |
From Year / Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
1932 |
To Year / Date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
1932 |
Source Organization | NA |
Identifier | NAIDLF00439746 |
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. | 249-N-1932 |
Location | R-3 |
Part No. | NA |
File Size | 50.4 MB |
Pages | 60 |
Call Number | NA |
Publisher | NA |
Subject | Claims for compensation submitter by the Jewish residents of Aden for damage and loss of property alleged to have been sustames by them during the Mostem jewish disturbances in Aden in may 1932Question and Ansror in the Legislative Asoembz on the subject. |
Creator | NA |
Accession Number | NA |
Series | NA |
Year of Publication | NA |
Language | English |
Bundle Barcode | NAIDLB00026264 |
Location Code | 0 |
File Barcode | NAIDLF00439746 |
QC Certificate No. | QC_20250227DL |
Bundle No. | 117 |