Read a Despatch No. 58 of 1859, dated the 1st June, from the Right Honble the Secretary of State for India, adverting to the calls which have been made for lists of Civilians, whether in Government employ or not officers of Volunteer or Police Corps and Native Princes, Chiefs & others, who have rendered good services during the recent disturbances in India, and stating His Lordships intention taking into consideration without further delay the Claims of . 1st - Civil Servant and persons unconnected with Government. 2nd - Military Officers in Civil Employ. 3rd - Military Officers whose services may not entitle them to promotion by branch or the distinction of the Bath, but may nevertheless be # of favorable consideration. Requesting transmission of whatever information may be required on this subject in addition to the returns already called for together with any reports furnished by the Government of the Punjab, Madras, and Bombay, on the Service of Civilians and others, Desiring

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