Chief Secretary - Forwards copy of Minute by the Honble Sir H.C Montomery Bt. dated the 21th March 1857 on a suggestion of Doctor Shaw,in charge of the Eye Infirmary, and Lying in Hospital at Madras, Held service 1847 by one officer, for the appointment of a separate Medical officer for each of those Institutiny, owing to the very great incrcase in the number of patients in then , which has risen in the former, from 521 in 1847 to 2866 in 1856, and in the latter from 105 to 6362 inthen the same period, which proposal on being recommended to the Honble Court was sanctioned by them, but as no salary was specified by the Government,Nor named by the Court in remuneration of the office of Suprintendent of the Lying in Hospital and professor of Midwifery in the Medical Colleage it is recommanded that its Superintendent should not receive less than the Superintendent of the Eye Infirmery regt, Rs.1000 Per Mensem is a sengeon, and Rs. 700 if and Assistant , with 150 in either case forthe Profe

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Identifier PR_000002001412
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 9 Apr., No. 137 - 138
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