From - Forwarding Copy of a notification publishing an Extract from Honble Court`s Despatch No 74 of 1857 permitting such an alteration ot be made in the Aunuity fund Regulations, as will allow of the aunuity of a Member of Council commeneing from the day on which his term of service as Councillor Expires, instead of from the 1th my prceeding also concurring in the suggestion of this Government that in cases in which under the literal bearing of the now Rule limiting the period of service to 35 years, Civil Servants might he required ot leave the service at any time between the 1st may in one year and the 1st may in the next they shall be allowed to retain their appointments until the 1st may following the date on which their period of service may expire.

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Identifier PR_000002001147
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 22 Jan., No 28
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