Read a Despatch from the Right Honble the Secretary of State for India, No. 11 of 1859 dated 31st January replying to Governor Genral letter No. 3 dated 18th November 1858 & to para 7 of Public Despatch from regarding the Ammesty clauses of the Queens Proclamation. Remarks that the ammesty does not apply to convicts underging sentence but to those in arms against the Government approve the conditional application of the ammestry to persons under trial & who have not been formally convicted. That the term British subjects is limited to Europeans. That His Majesty Government approve to distinction ordered to be between acts of private wrong or injury & political offences. That His Majesty Government also consider that the retention in custsdy or under surveillance of persons of not & dangerous influsnce under the laws applicable to state Prisoners is in no way contrary to the spirit or letter of the Proclamation.

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