Read a Despatch No. 73 of 1859, dated the 28th July from the Right Honble the Secretary of State for India, replying to certain letters dated in 1858, and 1859, having reference to the proceedings of Mr. William Tayler, late Commissioner of Patna, in connection with the Industrial Institution, and to his complaints against Mr. Samerells for an attach made upon him in Mr. Samerells letter to the Government of Bengal, dated the 29th January 1858. Communicates observations and remarks that mr. Taylers proceedings on connection with the Industrial Institution were such as fully to justify the censene passed on his conduct by this Government. Deems it unnecessary for reasons stated to enter into any examination of merits of the dispute between Mr. Tayler & Mr. Samerells which involves question of a personal native between then gentleman & does not call for the same notice as so those proceedings of Mr. Tayler which under it necessary for Her Majestys Government to mark with the disapp

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