Notification - The Undermentioned specification of inventions have been filed under the provisions of Act No. XV of 1859 in the Office of the Secretary of the Government of India, in the Home Department and have been sent to the Office of one of the Secretaries to each of the Governments of Bengal, Fort St. George, Bombay, and the North Wester Provinces. A copy of each specification is open at all reasonable hours at the office of the Secretary to the Government of India in the Home Department to Public inspection upon payment of a fee of one rupee and a certifed copy of any specification will be given to any person requiring the same on payment of the expense of copying No. 2 William Clark of No. 3 Chawringhee Road Calcutta Civil Engineer, for the application of Iron Plates and Tie Rods in the construction of Arches for the Floors & Roofs of Buildings. No. 6 - Charles Scotton Francis, of Clive Street, Calcutta, for an improvement of the Oil Mills. No. 12 - Teignmonth Sandys of

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