Notification of the undermentioned specification of inventions filed under the provisions of Act No. XV of 1859 in the Home Department. Each specification open to public inspection upon payment of a fee of one rupee and certified copy of any specification granted on payment of the expense of copying. - No. 1- Specification of an invention for increasing the produce of Indigo in process of manufacture by John Stalkarlt of Goosery in the 24 Pergunnahs. No. 3 - A New Portable arrival by B. W. Lazarus and C. Lazarus. No. 4 - Improvements in the apparatus for and process of printing by Bartholomew Buniows Ke. No. 5 - An Improvement in presses constructed to operate by a combination of Iron Levers which presses an employed to compress bales of Cotten hemp , Wool and other article of merchandizes by David West. No. 7 - A Locomotic Steam Engine to non on ordinary roads by B. Gower of Allahabad. No. 8 - Improvement of permanent ways for the use of Rail and tram Roads, Bridges Cutou

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Identifier PR_000001997875
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