To Civil Auditor - Forwards copy of a Despatch No. 39 of 1858 dated the 8th December from the Right Honble the Secretary of State for India, intimating - Para 1 - That the undermentioned gentlemen having been formed qualified for admission to the Civil Service of India, under the provisions of the Act of 16 - 17 Vectoria, Cap 95 have been appointed members thereof in the following rank. Messers John Geoghegan, Theodore Francis Willian Smith, Deunis Fetzpaterck, Chars. William Paxton Walts, Chilren Geo Speriling, David Mason Gardner, Chas. John Powlett, Herbert Mills Birdwood, James Fracis Katherinus Hewitt. - Para 2 That the undermentioned Civil Servants have been permitted to return to their duty, on the Bengal Establishment vizt. Messers Rivers Thompson, W. S. Paterson, G. E. Watson, and Civil Servant Belli - Para 3 - That Mr. W. A. Hammond, of the Bengal Civil Establishment has been permitted to defer his departure from England, until the 19th November. Para 4 - That the undermenti

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