From Superintendent Geological Survey - With reference to Endorst dated 2nd Instant does not consider that there is any prospect of finding useful fuel in the Lyneah Valley to any extract & refers to his former note in the subject he is therefore of opinion that Government should not undertaks any very costly exploration & recommends that the loss of 6 or 7000 Rs. which has resulted from Mr. Immands unscientific investigation be written off to profit & loss - Government should not pay one half the cost of proving the value of the Coal operations of any future explorations of the Mines to be handed over to another to # the profit advises as to the nature of the stipulation which should be made but a lease of the mines may be promised to Mr. Andrew an the ordinary royalty & on the ordinary stipulations - Finally does not think that Government would be justified in expending a larger sum than Rs. 30,000 in the explorations.

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Identifier PR_000002007484
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