To Lieut. Collector Drummond - Explains the circumstances under which his employment in researches after Iron in the Kumaon Hills was sanctioned, & with reference to the appointment by the Honble Court of Mr. Henwood & his appoints for the special purpose of explosing the Iron resources of Kumaon and Gurhwal, requests that he will confiue his researches in Exploring the veiws of Plumbago in Almorah, and acquaint Mr. Henwood with the result of the operations he may have under taken and assist him with all the information he may posses regarding the mineral resources of the Districts in question - It is not expedient to employ in the same field at the same time & for the same object 2 agencies will pendent of each other. Sametimes his drawing of 250 as travelling allowances from 18th October last to the date of his return to Almorah - There is as occasion for a full report of his operations - Enquires if any progress has been made in the formation of a Company to work the mines of Kumao

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Identifier PR_000001993434
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