To Superintendant Electric Telegraph - In reply to letter dated 24th November last will certain execption conciders the construction of the line from Agra to Lahore to be sutisfactory with demand artificer stanley to his corps should be recommend it Captain Fadety will be Commander for the care and pains # by him on the protection on the line from Beas to Lahore approves of his proposal to vests Mr. A. Torld of the Lahore Office with general conection all the offices in the Punjab & C is Suttej states to Umballa inclusive and to raise his salary from Rs. 100 to Rs. 150 per month . Sanctions Mr. Bailezs salary being raised from 150 to 200 with travelling allowance when visiting the out stations at Agra. Also sanctions an allowance of Rs. 100 per month for the maintenance of the training class in the Lawrence Asylesm & the several promotions & appointments recommended by him instruction will be issued for the audit from the 1st promixo by the Civil Auditor North West Provinces of the

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