From Chief Secretary - Forwards a Memo with Enclosures from Mr. Smith Superintendent of the Government Press & under circumstances explained report having reengaged the Services of Mr. Morgan the Assistant Superintendent who was brought out from England for 2 years which expires on the 31st Instant at Rs. 150 per month for 5 years on a salary of Rs. 300 per month to be increased annually by Rs. 50 until it reaches 500 at the same time stronghly recommends that the salary of Mr. Smith the Superintendent be raised from Rs. 350 to 500 per month on the ground of the extension duties he has to perform to be increased at the rate of Rs. 50 per month each sucessive year until it reach a maximum of Rs. 700 per months appends a memo of the quantity of work turned out at the Government Press during the past year & Encloses a Tabular Statement for the increase now submitted for sanctions.

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Identifier PR_000001998286
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 18 Mar., No. 14
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