Secretary Bombay - Acknowledge receipt of Financial Resolution dated 22nd August last forwarded with Endmt. of the 3rd September folowing whereby Major Candy is appointed Principal of the Poona College and Marhatta Translator to Government on a salary of 800 rs per month Calls attention to the fact that the application made by the Bombay Government in letter of 12th January 1856 to point Major candy to draw 200 Rs. as Marahatta Translator in add. this Salary of 600 Rs. per month as Principal of the Poonah College was superceded by the subsequent letter of the 23rd May 1856 which recommended the separation of the Office of Translator and Principalremarks that the orders of Government in the Financial Department above acknowledged were probably passed without reference to the letter of 23rd May andintimates that the Bombay Government will defer acting upon those orders pending the receipt of orders in the letter of May last.

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