Extract Financial Department - Remarks that according to the Scale of Salaries sanctioned in March last for the Edl . Inspectors in the Bombay Presidency 1000 Rs. per month was fixed as the allowance for the Inspectors of Sindh and Kurteh it is not Clear from the papers now submitted whether Kutch has been reporated from Sindh on the appointment of the Inspector now reported. If it has not H. L. in C. sanctions the grant by the Bombay Government of a Salary of 1000 Rs. per month to that Officer but if Kutch has been separated from Sindh H. L. in C. showes that the reason of the separation must be suplainded before final orders can be passed on this subject sees in reason for allowing the Hindoo visitor 200 Rs. per month the Salary of this class of Edl. Officers having been already fixed at a maximum of 150 Rs. per month at which rate the appointment of both the Visitor is sanctioned Has no objection to the proposed Establishment and travelling allowances which are likewise sanctioned o

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