To Secretary Bombay - In reply to the foregoing states that the expenditure for Sindh must be supported from the amount allowed for grants in aid of Education in Bombay. The proposed relaxation of the grant in aid rules in favor of sindhmay resonabley and wisely be conceded but H. L. in C. cannot perecive that such concession renders any alteration necessary at present in the total annual amount placed at the disposal of the Bombay Government to be expended in grants in aid still loss that it would be proper to place in the hands of the Commissioner of Sindh the power of making grants in aid to an unlimoted extract. The supreme Government will be prepared to resaive favorably any recommendation the Bombay Government may deem proper to submits for an increase to the amount assigned for grants in aid in the Bombay Presidency but H. L. in C. sees no reason for making any special arrangement for the supply of funds for grants in aid of Ed. in Sindh and more than in any other Privence under

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