To Officiating Superintendant - Refers to previous correspondence and requests him to take immediate measures in concert with the local authoritus of the Punjab and Scinde to collort materials for the consturction of a line of E. T. from Labore to Kurrachee so that if possible the posts may be up and ready to receive the Wire on its arrival from England and every preparation made to have the line in working order at the surlieot period that maybe practicable. Requests that he will also determine in consultation with these authorities as to the best course for the line to take and report his views on the point for the consideration and orders of Government. adds that Government is not prepared to sanction the line which has been proposed from Hyderabad to Bombay via Bhooj and ahmedabad and further that it sees nno present occasion for the him proposed by Sir R. Hamilton to connect Kurrachee directing with Indore.

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Identifier PR_000001985598
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 5 Sep., No. 71
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