Secretary - Acknowledges receipt of letter No 2100 dated 15 October last in the subject of the enforcement of the Arms Bill act 28/51 # in containing the news of the Lieut. Governor on the subject desires to leave section 26 of the act respecting the surrender of private cannol at every place it which it may be throught desirable to enforce it immediately after the dute dised by notification to take effect as provided therein refers to a case before the Lieut. Governor in which guns are Kuam to have been collected in the Forts fo Tiruree in the Behorzillah which artillery aline would numer to enforce a surrender if it be refused but he is unable to say when artilly may be required for the Purpose.

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Identifier PR_000001984039
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 4 Dec., No. 67
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