From - With refer to the letter from the Madras Government submitting for secision a case involving the proper interpretation to be put on the `Deputation `clauses i the Cord. Civil Abrentee Rules & having refer to the elaim of Mr. Cook to Dsputation allowance while moving from one officiating appointment to another considers it is not usual to grant deputation allowce to an officer for the period accupied in moving from one officiating appointment to anothers because if such were granted to an officer so circumstanced & at the same time to the officer who is performing the dutes of the office vacated # a double charge would be entailed & deputation allowe is witheld the view of hastening officers to their appointments the expences of moring being however covered by a travelling allowee sec 23of the Rules alluded to by Mr. cook leving applicable to officers moring from one permanent appointment to another of higher emohment the # Civil auditor leas therefore justly disallwed Mr. Cooks

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Identifier PR_000001983854
File No./Reference No./Sheet No./Folio No. O. C., 18 Sep., No. 1
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